webAR Effects, Filters & Games

webAR, or web-based augmented reality, has the advantage of being instantly available to almost everyone - no app to download and install. webAR works on any popular browser, Chrome or Safari, for example. Simply scan a QR-Code, or open a URL, and the user is instantly dazzled! Instant gratification!

3 Types of webAR Experiences

  1. Image Tracking - make your print media come alive with interactive and engaging content.

  2. World AR - place objects on any flat surface like the floor, a countertop, or a driveway. Even horizontal surfaces, like walls!

  3. Location Based - place AR content at GPS coordinates anywhere in the world.

How to Try Image Tracking webAR

Normally these sample images would be printed onto paper or cardstock as posters, flyers or other printed media. But you can try them using a desktop computer screen and a mobile device.

  1. Click on image to enlarge it in a new window.

  2. Scan QR-Code using any mobile device (phone).

  3. Point camera at sample image displayed on desktop computer screen.

  4. Wait for content to load. Enjoy!

  1. Desktop: Click to open these images on big screen.

  2. Mobile: Scan QR-Code using phone.

AR Business Card

webAR business cards, and all other printed media, uses Image-Tracking, can feature animated 3D models, spatial audio (move closer = louder, turn away = quieter), video, tappable buttons leading to URL’s, social media profiles, phone numbers and email addresses. The same webAR features can be applied to any printed media such as posters, flyers, billboards, magazines, signs… anything! Contact us now and we will set up a free image-tracking demo for you.

AR business card with talking animated 3D humanoid model and tappable links.

View webAR WorldAR Examples

  1. Open this webpage using any mobile device.

  2. Tap the Try Experience button below.

  3. Open URL using any mobile browser (Chrome, Safari).

  4. Wait for content to load.

  5. Point camera at ground or floor in front of you.

  6. Tap the Tap here to place in your space button.

  7. Resize or reposition 3D content, if required.


a. Display this webpage on computer screen.

b. Scan the QR-Codes below to access URL.

c. Follow instructions above (#3, 4, 5, 6 & 7)

Female Singer

Try this 3D animated webAR World AR experience featuring animated 3D character and spatial audio.

QR-Code to launch Female Singer world AR experience.

B25 Mitchell Bomber

Try this educational webAR World AR experience, with animated 3D model spokesperson and 3D model of a B-25 Mitchell Bomber. Listen and learn from the spatial audio soundtrack.

QR-Code to open webAR experience of B-25 Mitchell Bomber for educational purposes.

Location-Based (GPS) webAR

GeoSpatial (location) content placement is perfect for travel and tourism, scavenger hunts, special events, and more! Augmented reality content is placed at specific locations anywhere in the world. To experience the Location-Based AR content, the viewer must physically move to this location. AR content can include animated 3D models, images, videos and audio. Futuristic! Contact us now and we will set up a free GPS webAR demo for you available only in your location.

Location-Based (GPS) webAR display in Portugal.