Custom effects, filters and games

for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook & Snapchat.

Grand Opening!
AR Product Store!

Now you can have custom effects, filters or games designed - then order products from our print-on-demand store featuring your new AR experience!

  1. We work with you to design your perfect AR effect, filter or game.

  2. Select the product you want.

  3. Order as many AR-enhanced products as you need.

It’s that easy!

Men’s clothing, woman’s clothing, kid’s clothing, stickers, hats, accessories, home and living products!

Finally! An advertising agency that takes all the mystery out of using augmented reality to promote your brand and business!

Take your social media ads to the next level!

Images and videos are great for ads, but augmented reality ads are better! Studies have shown that AR ads are far more engaging than ordinary image and video ads. That’s because AR ads are interactive! The viewer isn’t just looking at the AR ad - they are engaging with it! This creates a much deeper experience that is remembered, shared, and talked about!

Effect Campaigns

Publishing many inexpensive effects, filters and interactive games can produce an incredible amount of views, posts, likes, and shares. Talk about cost-effective brand awareness! It’s difficult to predict which effect will go viral - but with enough effects, you are sure to get some viral effects that produce millions (if not billions) of brand awareness views.

Contact us now and we will be delighted to discuss your brand’s effect campaign strategy. We offer discounts on bulk orders of effects bringing down the cost of a single effect to as little as $15 USD.

TikTok analytics showing over 6 billion effect views, over 2.5 million posts and over 44 million likes.

2 Ways to Try Effects

  1. Display website on desktop or laptop computer screen - scan QR-Codes using a mobile device.


  2. Display website on mobile device - tap Try Effect buttons.

The Power of Augmented Reality

Effect Agency makes it easy for you to use the power of augmented reality to promote your brand and products on all the major social media platforms.


  1. Watch videos created using effects.

  2. Try effects using your mobile device.

  3. Describe the effect you want.

Try Before you Buy!

How to View TikTok Effects

  1. Install TikTok app on your mobile device.

  2. Open this website on your mobile device.

  3. Tap the Try TikTok Game button below.

  4. Open the TikTok Game Effect using the TikTok app.


    A - Install TikTok app on your mobile device.

B - Scan the QR-Code provided, using any mobile device.

C - Open the effect using the TikTok app.

TikTok Effect Games

Play this scary 3D Halloween game by moving your head left and right to steer the walking character. Avoid the ghosts - lose one point. Gather the Halloween candies to gain points. Game features animated 3D characters, lighting effects, colliders and scoreboard.

How to Try Instagram / Facebook Effects

  1. Install Instagram or Facebook app on your mobile device.

  2. Open this website on your mobile device.

  3. Tap the appropriate Try Effect button below.

  4. Open the Effect using either the Instagram or Facebook app.


    A - Install the Instagram or Facebook app on your mobile device.

B - Scan the QR-Code provided below using any mobile device.

C - Open the effect using the appropriate app.

Gals Driving Game

Available on both Instagram and Facebook, this branded AR driving game features realistic 3D model car with logo, squealing tires, burning rubber - all on a large logo positioned on real ground or floor. To play 3D driving game, follow on-screen instructions to place AR game on your ground or floor, then tap and hold screen to accelerate and tilt phone to steer. Wow! All this for under $50 USD.

QR-Code to open Gals Driving game using Instagram.

webAR Experiences

webAR, or web-based augmented reality, has the advantage of being instantly available to almost everyone - no app to download and install. webAR works on any popular browser, Chrome or Safari, for example. Simply scan a QR-Code, or open a URL, and the user is instantly dazzled! Instant gratification!

3 Types of webAR Experiences

  1. World AR - place objects on any flat surface like the floor, a countertop, or a driveway. Perfect for online retail displays, social sharing, brand awareness, training programs, education, and a lot more!

  2. Image Tracking - make your print media come alive with interactive and engaging content that includes video, green screen video, animated 3D models, spatial audio, 2D images and even web buttons that can be tapped by the viewer. Uses for images tracking include flyers, product packaging, signs, bus stops, posters, mail-outs, post cards, business cards and any printed media that you can think of.

  3. Location Based - place AR content at GPS coordinates anywhere in the world. Geolocation AR experiences can include amusement parks, orienteering courses, scavenger hunts, historical tours, and any other outdoor event you can imagine.

Try World AR webAR

  1. Open this webpage using any mobile device.

  2. Tap the Try webAR button below.

  3. Open URL using any browser.

  4. Wait for content to load.

  5. Point camera at ground or floor in front of you.

  6. Tap the Tap here to place in your space button.

  7. Resize or reposition 3D content, if required.


a. Display this webpage on computer screen.

b. Scan the QR-Codes below to access URL.

c. Follow instructions above (#3, 4, 5, 6 & 7)

B25 Mitchell Bomber

Try this educational webAR experience, with animated 3D model spokesperson and 3D model of a B-25 Mitchell Bomber. Listen and learn from the spatial audio soundtrack.

Image showing B-25 Mitchell bomber augmented reality experience.
QR-Code to open webAR B-25 Mitchell bomber experience.